Monday, December 31, 2012

A final check in for 2012. Happy where I got to...going to.

Last squats of the year this morning. Overall, I am pretty happy with where my progress is taking me, even if my ego wants it to be more, more, more. I have to keep reminding myself that I have only been doing this for less roughly 5-6 months. It is going to take a while longer before I get to a point where I can say I am good.

That said, the new gym is working for me already, and I have only had 2 sessions there so far. I can tell already that it's going to be a much more conducive atmosphere to the goals I am setting for myself..  Let me take a walk backwards to put my starting points into perspective. All of these maxes are estimates from I refuse to 1RM at any time as a "work" session.

August 3 - Squat - 10x75 with buckling knees. Max estimate 101
August 27 - Bench - 5x125. Max estimate is 150
August 28 - Deadlift 5x215. Max estimate is 270
August 29 - OHP 5x80. Max estimate is 95.

I started attempting the squat a little earlier in the game as I intended on starting Starting Strength around this time. I knew I needed a ton of form work to even start. Honestly, I could still use some in my opinion.

To keep this relative - here is my most recent results whilst on Wendler's 5/3/1. I switched off SS in November because I couldn't deal with the squat volume, and I kept hurting myself. Two herniated discs and a broken rib later...

December 31 - Squat- 6x245 - Max Estimate 295. Increase of 194 pounds.
December 27 - Bench - 10x160 - Max estimate 210. Increase of 60 pounds.
December 28 - Deadlift - 315x5 (280x10) - Max estimate 395ish. Increase of 125 pounds.
December 29 - OHP - 9x120 - Max estimate 155. Increase of 60 pounds.

Not to mention I also went from a flabby 193 to a slightly less flabby 215.2 in this time frame. My fat calipers have read anywhere from 17-20% dependent on my girls aim which is approximately the same range that I started at. This whole deal wasn't meant for body composition, but I will say that my pants fit better and my stomach is smaller than as it was when I signed up for this. Plus I have muscles now. I have had pretty substantial increases in all my measurements of my neck, shoulders, chest, and absolutely in my quads which have increased about a full inch and a half in circumference.  The diet has primarily been hanging around maintenance of 2800-3000 calories with a 45%/35%/20% ratio of Carbs, Protein, and Fat respectively. Except when I tried that fucking Keto experiment.

So where does this go for 2013? And Why?

The why is simple. Because most people can't, and others will tell me I can't. Just like that. The where's it go part is going to sound very corny. Up, Increased, Ahead, or whatever optimistic babbling you want to insert here. I laid it out in a screen grab of where I want to be. We will see how close I get. Give or take a few pounds. I'll be checking in though. Hell, I may even get some pics of my big ass up here to scare the kids with...


  Happy New Year everybody!