Thursday, January 31, 2013

See that right there. Don't pull that.

Get your eyes of the skeleton ass. Weirdo.

  Today was my first day back in the rack since a little incident on Saturday. (You figure that would leave more time for blogging.) I pulled my trap on the left side doing a Overhead Press (Which I PR'd) and I have been all but handicapped since.

Went back to "TRY" some squats. Hit a all time PR and a new overall max. Fuckin' A Cotton. Fuckin' A.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

When you go up to come back down - Training the bench

Let me be the first to admit that my bench is terrible. It wasn't until just recently that I even tried to really do the movement utilizing the barbell. I had always saw more capacity for actual strength with the dumbbell method, as you generally have to utilize and isolate all of those little stabilizing muscles to support the effort. So, as it goes, that's what I always did. Then I went through a whole 10 years or so of doing nothing but smoking, drinking and acting in general debauchery. Whilst getting back into it, I find it a little funny that I never cared about the bench as it is what some people call "the lift". I love to tell people things about myself.  However, that question, "How much do you lift" is and probably will always be generally related to the bench when coming from people. I never cared to tell anyone, as I don't think I have literally ever maxed the movement out. I never even did the movement in any volume when I was younger. Bench and Bicep bros everywhere are crying right now. 
This guy probably benches 405. Squats in the curl rack for irony.

All of these little confessions are certainly showing in the numbers I've been putting up too. As we saw in my previous post here, I started somewhere around a 125 for 5 set. I did the Starting Strength thing for long enough to have to roll of shame out at 170 for 5. Then we had our late in the year direction change to 5/3/1.

So under the 5/3/1 principles, I max rep my last work set. Balls out, high intensity, highest volume I can achieve, one rep shy of killing myself. That's what you do. Looking deeper into it however, I find it to be absolutely amazing how on week 1 of any given cycle I have gained 20% strength, only to see it slip, and slip and slip away. I'll add a couple things here. First, I know I am literally coming off a modified week of "rest" from the deload. Second, I am staying above the grade when it comes to the overall point of the program. That "point" of the program is essentially to achieve slow linear progression with an overall increase in strength.  Here's the way it looks on paper. It's really annoying, although it's quite interesting how training in this fashion really hits your body. I am starting this illustration at week 9 overall or Week 3 of cycle 2.

Week 3 - Max effort rep - 190 x 5
Deload - who cares.
Week 1 - Max effort rep - 160 x 15
Week 2 - Max effort rep - 185 x 8

Theoretically 185x8 is better than 190x5, and I know that 160x15 wouldn't of happened 2 months ago.

And, all of those number makes my little graph go like this...

Which, makes my brain hurt, even though we are directionally correct in our strategy to improve the lift, and honestly I feel as though I am much stronger. My issue with the bench now becomes that even though I never cared to have an ego about the bench, the bench started getting Excel files involved.

For those of you that don't know. I fucking love Excel files.
Somehow, when you type in I love excel into, you get this. Mother fuckin' Gosling.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Deload Week Deadlifts

I mentioned that I kind of like and equally hate the deload week on 5/3/1 in my last post. I don't think there is a day that this feeling is more prominent than on dead lift day. If I haven't eluded to my pure and unadulterated love for the dead lift, or the god damn frustration that the movement causes me, let me start today.  I love doing dead lifts. Fucking straight up love them. I'm not even that strong at them yet, but it is the best goddamn ego boosting exercise in the world as far as I am concerned. Here's a little gushing little love story about the dead lift, as narrated by me.

I love that it's not a highly technical lift and that it's right there in front of you. The lift is fundamental simplicity. The basic premise of the entire movement is just what it is. You pick up the fucking weight. You, pick it up and fucking stand there with it for a second, then put it back down. Just like that. Then you do the exact same sequence of events again.  When you can do this in both volume and frequency and intensity, it gets better.

There you have it. Even the love story about the lift is simple. So imagine my disdain when I get into a week that I get to do work sets warm-up weights. I understand it's good for my body to rest or something in order to make progress (i.e. GAINZ) but I can still bitch about it. I have also seen some musings elsewhere about the CNS being overly taxed. I'm not going to buy that at 2,3,or even 400 pounds. Never the less, I was a good boy and listened this week.Here's this week's log.

Deadlift 135x5,135x5,165x5,165x5,205x5,205x5,205x5,205x5,135x10,135x10,135x10,135x10,135x10
Leg Press 

Disclaimer: If you are doing some deads, make sure they don't look this terrible. Or good, I can't tell...It's like looking at a house fire, or a car wreck.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Hill Sprints - The test run

This is gonna be short. I did some testing on this hill in my back forty today and all I can say is HOLY FUCK! Wendler was right here... "It Sucks Balls".

I did two, yes two runs up this thing and my lungs are about to explode.. I apparently need conditioning.
45 yards. FML

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

De-load week, the sickness and read your books.

No pretty pictures this week, just a quick update.

So this is the 8th official week of my venture into 5/3/1, which presents the ever glorious and depressing deload week. It's truly a little of both. It absolutely sucks to have to check your ego at the door and do 40% squats after hammering home 3 PR's the week before. But, in the same breath, it's a welcome relief to get to work on form and some of those weak points you've identified in the last couple sessions. If I can't make the work hard by volume or frequency, I am going to do my best to make sure it's technically perfect. Fortunately, the timing couldn't be better for this "lighter" version of the work. I think the flu bug that is wreaking havoc on the area was somehow able to sneak it's way into the house and is attempting to make me it's first incubator. I haven't fully succumbed to it yet though. I guess, I'm kinda half sick.

A funny thing happened a few days ago. I decided to learn something correctly. For some reason I made the adult decision that I should probably purchase the book for the program I am doing that explains everything the way it was meant to look, rather than what I have been doing which was reading web-board chatter and anecdotal information from r/weightroom. Guess what! I was doing it wrong.  Not totally wrong, but there were a few little nuances which from just looking at I could immediately tell would make a ton of difference. We shall see as they get put into practice. If I think it's worth mentioning later, I'll give some insight to the changes I made. One or two light workouts in doesn't seem like long enough to accurately measure.

I am going to get through this deload, measure and then start adding conditioning in. I suppose it's probably best to do it now as Wendler had described some overall number declines when adding things like hill sprints in. I would rather take a step back while my squat is at 285 and 5 pound jumps aren't that big of a deal instead of 400, where every ounce is going to matter. The long term goal is to get stronger, let's get me stronger all the way around. Selling back a week to earn more is fine by me.

Unrelated to anything above, and I guess you can file this under the equipment part of the story...$2.00 ACE type bandages do nothing for your knees when squatting. Buy wraps. Pay the $30, and it will be worth it.