Friday, January 11, 2013

Deload Week Deadlifts

I mentioned that I kind of like and equally hate the deload week on 5/3/1 in my last post. I don't think there is a day that this feeling is more prominent than on dead lift day. If I haven't eluded to my pure and unadulterated love for the dead lift, or the god damn frustration that the movement causes me, let me start today.  I love doing dead lifts. Fucking straight up love them. I'm not even that strong at them yet, but it is the best goddamn ego boosting exercise in the world as far as I am concerned. Here's a little gushing little love story about the dead lift, as narrated by me.

I love that it's not a highly technical lift and that it's right there in front of you. The lift is fundamental simplicity. The basic premise of the entire movement is just what it is. You pick up the fucking weight. You, pick it up and fucking stand there with it for a second, then put it back down. Just like that. Then you do the exact same sequence of events again.  When you can do this in both volume and frequency and intensity, it gets better.

There you have it. Even the love story about the lift is simple. So imagine my disdain when I get into a week that I get to do work sets warm-up weights. I understand it's good for my body to rest or something in order to make progress (i.e. GAINZ) but I can still bitch about it. I have also seen some musings elsewhere about the CNS being overly taxed. I'm not going to buy that at 2,3,or even 400 pounds. Never the less, I was a good boy and listened this week.Here's this week's log.

Deadlift 135x5,135x5,165x5,165x5,205x5,205x5,205x5,205x5,135x10,135x10,135x10,135x10,135x10
Leg Press 

Disclaimer: If you are doing some deads, make sure they don't look this terrible. Or good, I can't tell...It's like looking at a house fire, or a car wreck.

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