I had intentions on making this blog
more relative to something. The trouble with something’s are that they are
generally under defined, and more often than not, those something’s are
undefined and indefinable. Was it a business that I had only partially started?
Or perhaps it was a lifestyle and image that I wanted to portray. Because
you see I thought for the longest time that if I mimicked the actions of other
successful people, groups and what have you, it would translate into some form
of that same success. Without any doubt this makes me a fucking poser,
and not just any type of poser. A poser in its truest form. Before you
read too far into this, or get the feeling that there is some ominous tone in
this post. Let me be perfectly clear... this is the single most
enthusiastic realization I could have ever had! Ever.
That's why we are here again today.
Key word is again. Oh I will offer a ton of FYI on this little
spill-my-guts-athon, and the first shouldn't be a giant surprise in context to
my little cryptogram two sentences back.
FYI #1: I have been here
before. Eager. Hungry. Ready to be honest and ready to write my story for the
world to see. FYI #2: This usually will get about two or three posts deep
before I forget what I am doing and why the hell I may be doing it. We can
start here. Or can we? I guess I should go further in considering nobody knows
who I am or anything about me. This may take a few minutes...At least on my
end. You can skip ahead to the part where I don't come across as a creep
if you like.
The name is Brett Goodman. I would
love to give you the 15th Century rundown of ancestors, like son of Gary,
grandson of Dewey, great grandson of Claude, etc. etc. but it would really just
sound cooler than it is. Those introductions sounded way bad-ass in my opinion
and the motherfuckers giving them usually had swords. I don’t have a sword so
we will have to do with the match.com version. I was born in a small town in
way northern NY about 30 miles from the Canadian border, and I have surrounded
myself with idiots and stupidity ever since.
The purple dot is home, or what used to be.
I'll continue but be warned, I fully
plan to summarize this part because it somewhat depressing, and I would prefer
to get the point across quick and move on. Here we go. My parents were too
young for kids, too stupid for their own good, and too broken as individuals to
live without each other. Some equate this to love. I equate it to the perfect
recipe for building misguided adults. I have a sister who is great, but who is
also equally as fucked as I am. We grew up very lower middle class in a trailer
which was once my Grandfather on my Mother’s side situated next door to a
smaller trailer owned by my Great Grandmother. My father was a paper mill
roustabout turned failed entrepreneur, turned salesperson, turned statistic for
the American Heart Association. He could kick a football a mile and he could
feel sorry for himself every step of the walk to go pick that ball up.
However, he couldn't teach his kids shit about anything useful, but everyone
still loved him. My mother worked at the local Savings & Loan, and was a
horrible, horrible selfish person. A skill she continues to master today from a
bed in a nursing home. She developed MS when I was 10 or 11 and made sure to
hold it against everyone while reminding them of how bad and unfair her life
was. As you can see, at least from a high level I hold some contemptuous
feelings on this particular topic. Nevertheless, let’s get back to our
introduction to me. I’ll further summarize for the sake of time and the lack of
brown alcohol on this table.
Youth: I was a Catholic school
troublemaker with undiagnosed ADHD (we didn’t have that then). I was the boy
that was full of excuses, and full of unharnessed potential. I was constantly
told how very intelligent I was, and how undisciplined I was in the same
sentence. I was quiet, but I also believed that I was always on the verge of
saying too much.
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Touched |
Teen Years: I wasn’t exactly sure
what I was. What teenager really does? I’ll elaborate as this is a trait which
has carried over to my life today. I built situational based bravados and
personas. I became who I needed to be in any situation rather than ever
learning to be myself at any time. If I was with black kids, I was black,
Stoners, I was stoned, if I was with Jocks, I was an asshole. You get it. Otherwise I was your typical
teenager in most every other way. I resented the folks, couldn’t do enough to
please the old man, and was in constant competition with everyone, even when
they weren’t aware that there was a competition being held. I continued doing
just enough to not get noticed either for the good or the bad. I had no goals, no aspirations and didn’t
give a shit about where I was going or what I wanted to become. I wanted to talk, not act.
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It was 1992 Son |
Post Teen, Early adult years: These
years are generally cloudy for everyone. You know what I mean, that state of
heightened awareness, learning what you actually are, and where you will go
with your life, while mostly drunk. It’s a peculiar and interesting time for
most people, retrospectively mine was no exception. It was interesting, but
mostly because I found out what kind of creepy shit I was really capable of,
stretched out over roughly 12 years. Oh, and that, my post teen, early adult
years lasted so long that I can remember almost every incident and indiscretion
to great detail. I’m not self-loathing, but here is where I learned to lie,
steal, deceive, cheat, fuck people over & pay absolutely no attention to
any repercussions because they never seemed to come my way. I’m not going into
details here but family members, employers, business partners, and strangers
alike all fell victim to my schemes. I stopped acting in such a manner when I
turned 33-34ish. I burned some bridges along the way, quite a few I didn’t ever
want to travel across again, some I wish I wouldn’t have. I married young. Too
young. As you can probably guess ended it badly. I believe that this is the way
most young marriages end or just most things in general when they do end.
Badly. I had two kids, a boy and a girl, who are amazing and remind me daily that
life is good and pure when you look through the right set of eyes. Earlier I
mentioned that my parents weren’t able to teach my sister and I much about
anything. They got one lesson down pat. How not to parent children. In a way,
it’s the best thing I have ever learned.
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A common pose for the era |
I took jobs I hated, because I never
knew what I wanted to be. Fuck, for the most part I still don’t. Here’s a short
list of shit I’ve done it’s even exhausting to look at. Grocery store bag boy,
cook, pizza delivery boy, furniture salesman, computer salesman, construction
worker, painter, U.S. Navy seaman, car salesman, chemical
technician/salesperson, box mill worker, auto mechanic, entrepreneur, web
site/graphic designer, auto service manager, sales manager.
I went to several colleges for
several disciplines, and have mastered none, yet I have a massive bill monthly
to remind me of this. A short dossier of my general education includes
Bio-Chemistry, Business Administration, Liberal Arts, Accounting, and Keynesian
I have been an avid alcohol consumer
(bordering on alcoholism, I even put myself in a program. Perhaps in another
post), smoked about a pack a day for nearly 17 years, and I ate like a pig with
little respect for the effects on my body. Somewhere and it has only happened
fairly recently, I began to move past all of this. I learned to balance a check book, I decided
paying my bills is better than not, and I am actually worried about my credit
score. I have also decided that in the finite timeframe that I walk this earth,
being an asshole isn’t an attributable or desirable quality. Although I will forever be embedded with the
Asshole gene, I am learning how and when to use it. Enter…modern day Goodman.
Modern Day Goodman: Post the divorce,
I met the person I feel I was meant to meet. She is the type of person who will
challenge me to be at my best at all times without any condescending tone. She
is why I am writing this, and why I have begun this exercise in
self-exploration and self-preservation, ultimately she is why I have
existentialist type dilemmas and I just want to question WHY? To everything. Oops,
I guess before I get ahead of myself, I have to add a couple of disclaimers
here. I am in no way “fixed” nor do I assume that I am fixable. Nobody usually
is unless they want to be. That’s the point of this whole writing deal. The
second thing is, that I don’t want to give the impression that this person had
complete control to turn my life around. I am pretty big on personal
responsibility over fates or deities. This was on me and it was likely just the
influence or presence of this lady that led me to this path. Moving forward I’m
going to probably leave her out of a lot of this as it might just cause
unnecessary distractions.
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Philosophizing (A real word) |
I had a pretty gross realization a few days
ago that I haven’t ever done anything to success that I truly enjoy. I mean
REALLY enjoy. No hobbies, no passions, fuck, I mean nothing. I like doing some
things, but I tend to only touch on them, and generally not very well. Again
just well enough to get by. I cook, I
like to work out, hell, I like to sit in fucking chairs. But do I know I love
to do any of this shit? No. Well maybe. I
plan on working this stuff in as it is a real part of my day to day, but the
meat and the core for this jumbled up half broken English nightmare is going to
come from some new stuff I am going to try. Because, “Why the fuck not”?
Now we’re here. What to do next?
*Another disclaimer – I still like
to eat like a pig, and like to drink like a Viking. Expect pictures of both and
the occasional diatribe regarding what I consider excellent choices in both the
mediums. I might also write in a bunch a shit about weightlifting. I get
excited sometimes about retarded stuff. If you don’t like it fast forward to
the next episode.
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