"Find what you love and let it kill you." - Charles Bukowski
I’m talking about “something’s” again, mostly because I find this disturbing in my day to day. Doing something, and even doing something which my brain dubs as “super good”, and further recognizing that something is ultimately worth it, more often than not isn’t enough of a catalyst to encourage my brain to repeat doing it. However, for some reason this theory doesn’t imply to the things that keep me in trouble, like drinking, eating garbage, smoking, etc.
I’m talking about “something’s” again, mostly because I find this disturbing in my day to day. Doing something, and even doing something which my brain dubs as “super good”, and further recognizing that something is ultimately worth it, more often than not isn’t enough of a catalyst to encourage my brain to repeat doing it. However, for some reason this theory doesn’t imply to the things that keep me in trouble, like drinking, eating garbage, smoking, etc.
I have a ton of shit I could speak on but easiest and my latest
example is exercise. I just started exercising back in June or July. I have
increased how serious I’m taking it since starting, which has resulted in about
four hundred plus changes. But, being four or five months in now, I have
established one fundamental fact. Man, do I feel good when I work out. And, I’ll
clarify a little further. I mean it just feels awesome when I can get a full
productive workout in and don’t cause some dumb injury like a herniated disc,
or a less dumb one like a broken rib. (both have happened so far) I get a sense
of accomplishment, I compete with the imaginary better version of myself, hell,
I even test my own limits when I haven’t set any goals. It’s the perfect situation filled with excitement,
self-encouragement, and occasionally some results. So you would believe that I would
be embracing all of this, just jumping out of bed in the morning to run to the
gym and pump. Unfortunately I think this where the scumbag corner of the brain
gets involved, and I am more likely to concede to lethargy, or apathy. Based on
the obesity rates in this country, I assume it’s not just me.

This also translates to everything else I do in my life. It’s
like I work on some opposite set of endorphins that get off on not doing
anything of value or anything at all. Some people get that adrenaline rush when
jump off a mountain, I apparently have it when I am sitting. Sitting anywhere.
So, I decided something in the rebirth of this writing
thing. As you saw in the last post (here)
that the great point of all of this is to challenge the status quo which my
life has become and push to define the limits of my existence. Sounds fucking
deep right. Well the shit just got real, because after that post a hurricane
was to come through town and I got me beer’d up and ready to go. My first test.
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It's bigger than I was expecting |
I took Monday to prepare for the storm, buy supplies,
brew a batch of beer, and slow cook a chicken for 8 hours. I also took some
time to evaluate my workout regimen and try to figure out what the fuck it’s
about. Was it because my triglycerides a
“way high”? Was it to be generally healthier? Or was it for an unidentified
If you guessed the
latter, or an unidentified reason then you guessed it, it literally was that. But then, into my fifth beer or so my epiphany
for the day came, and figured a few truth’s out about where I have been since June
and where I need to go from here.
1. I don’t know shit about this exercise thing and never
took the time to learn.
2. Breaking my ribs and blowing out my back sucked.
3. The events mentioned in number 2 likely took place
because of a combination of number 1 and the fact that I read the internet for
advice on the subject. God damned Reddit.
4. You have to sacrifice something to be astatically
pleasing, and or big at the same time. One isn’t easily achievable at the same
time as the other, and it all takes time and patience to achieve.
5. I really want to lift a ton of weight. Like an absurd
number in every lift. Something I can’t do now.
6. I watched the Avengers which further cemented that the
Hulk is my favorite.
Number 5 did it. Number 6 drove it home. Are you serious? I can check most of my boxes off
while heeding the doctor’s advice, I can also eat well and in excess (feeding my
glutton) while get muscularly larger and getting stronger. Sign me the fuck up!
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My Little Pony is about as Beast Mode as I can get yet. |
Before we go into New Year’s resolution mode, or as I like
to call it, Born to fail mode. Let me lay down some ground work. I’ve been on this, I’ve been on this for
about 5 months, and although it’s kind of still new, it’s not really new. I’ve
also been doing this without a point. Drifting in the workout wind and now, I have
made one. So today I started, or
restarted this whole deal, I didn’t bullshit myself by starting the next
sentence with something stupid like. “Monday, I’m going to…” or “I should”. I
went and did it. I built me a little program based on some tried and true shit.
We’re going to see what works, and what doesn’t because I am done with the bro-science
and the one size fits all programming.
High level, here’s the plan in order of execution. Step one: Go to gym.
Step two: Lift the heaviest shit I can in big multi joint movements. Step three:
Repeat. The variables to this here
formula are how much food I can pound a day, how much daily pain I can tolerate,
that mind fucking myself or general pussiness isn’t an allowable option, and
the first goal is just that. The first of what needs to be many.
The first goal, hit 900 pounds in the big three. To someone
experienced this is shit, especially to someone at 204 pounds in body weight. To
someone new, such as me this can seem impossible. But now that it’s written
down, I have to do it. This is the power of spilling my guts on the internets…
Today’s little workout wasn’t bad. Worked a lot of form and
low reps. I also didn’t pull any max attempts. I have some form issues to work
through before I get heavy. I got to laugh at Mr. Strongfat pulling 195 like
his arms were coming off. I thought of trying the Jamie Lewis approach and was going
to Alpha the shit out of him, but me showing off pulling 250 sounded fucking
retarded. I pulled it, but not to be impressive, just to get it done. This isn’t going to be my normal work day but
I needed to get going on something and as I mentioned, I needed the form work in
the worst way.
Back Squats – Low Bar - 45x5, 45x5, 85x5, 125x3, 160x2, 200x5,
200x5, 200x5
Bench Press – Medium Grip - 45x5,45x5,75x5,105x3,135x2,165x5,165x5,165x5
Leg Press - 320x8, 330x8, 350x8, 365x8
Barbell Deadlift - 135x5, 200x3, 225x2, 250x5
Please pay no attention to the Rippetoe overtones in
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What is this fucking math class? Just squat until you can't |
I’ll post my normal work days up here soon, after I lock
it in. This week is going to be a jumble and a testing on a few theories. Kind of want to see how things feel using
some training ideologies that have been posed by a few blogs. One I read quite
often, and with Lewis’ aforementioned blog it’s what I feel to be the top of
the top shelf, that’s this one (Lift-Run-Bang).
The other re ally seems like a filler piece on a shit supplement marketing website/forum,
but the message for this post is spread out over a wide enough plain I almost
agree with what’s being said. That one is here (Max
Out on Squats Every Day).
I know, I’m coming off like my opinion is esteemed, but
fuck it, it’s my show here.
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