Friday, November 30, 2012


I tried out some different approaches to my pulls today.  Everything felt really good and I was keeping the bar super close to me going up and down. I had read an article I can't seem to find again regarding moving the feet out 1.2 inches from a traditional stance and that effectively offers a better leverage over the knee. So, not quite sumo, not quite in the middle of the bar. It was probably bro-science, but it had a shit ton of engineers math included. I didn't actually measure the 1.2 inches, but I slid my feet out what I perceived to be an inch or so. I was also working on taking the slack out of the bar before getting into my pull. Placebo, bullshit, or not I felt like I was getting some better drive out of the gate and the dead lifts just felt better all around. Decent session, the weight keeps increasing, and I haven't even injured myself in a few weeks. I want a fucking medal.

11/30 - Deadlift Day
Program Sets - 135x5,135x5,135x5,165x5,195x3,245x3,260x3,295x4*,
Accessory Sets - 170x8,170x8,170x8,170x8,170x8 
 Hanging Leg Raises - 0x12,0x12,0x12,0x10,0x12

*I should have went for at least one more. I would have gotten it.

I also want to add that I'm pretty sure I need to start adding some conditioning in. I feel kinda fat, but I really refuse to turn down the calories right now. I've feel pretty good around 2,800-3,000/day and when I go lower, I drag ass and the work suffers. This will be my first mention of the fact that I absolutely hate cardio.

Prepare to see it more frequently.

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